Yesterday, I had a wonderful catch-up with one of my oldies (meaning my oldest best friend/sista from anotha mista). After having spent quite a lot of money in the past for catch-ups with other friends, I hadn't a penny left to do anything fancy with my long-time bestie, Florence. I felt awful, however we still managed to have a lovely afternoon out in our hometown.
Generally, our town is very boring, and it still is. But with the right company, and finding a pretty spot to sit and chat, staying in our town didn't seem that bad at all!
Living by a river can give you some pretty splendid views - and no, it doesn't produce the beautiful, post-card pictures that the lakes and rivers will give you in Alberta, Canada, but it still isn't a bad place to find a bench to sit and chat!
I thought this last picture of Flo looking somewhat deep in thought (or moody & bored - I'm kidding, we were having a good ol' gossip and chat, like the lil' old ladies we are) seemed quite fitting for what I'm about to say/type. Yesterdays gander around our town made me realise that you really don't need to spend any amount of money to have a lovely day. Just stepping out and exploring what your town has to offer, and to simply have a catch-up with a friend can be just as wonderful as galavanting out of town and spending tonnes on food.
If you're worried about money and being able to have a nice time with your friends, perhaps suggest a chilled day in a park or sea-front or something. You really don't have to spend a penny to ensure you have a great day!
Sorry guys, today was a bit of a different and slightly cheesy post. I promise to up my game soon, it's just very difficult at the moment as I am trying to finish off stuff for going back to Sixth Form. However, I do have a couple of future blog posts in mind, so keep an eye out (think skin-care and a potential haul/lookbook). Anywho, despite the different post, I hope this can motivate any of you to potentially make the most of your hometown and save some money!
Hope you all have had a lovely day, let me know if this post has somehow inspired you (can't think of a better word!), or if you just enjoyed reading it? Oh god, this has to be the worst ending to a blog post ever! ... As always, thank-you so much for reading haha!
Cheerio x
Twitter: @xo_chelseey
Generally, our town is very boring, and it still is. But with the right company, and finding a pretty spot to sit and chat, staying in our town didn't seem that bad at all!
Living by a river can give you some pretty splendid views - and no, it doesn't produce the beautiful, post-card pictures that the lakes and rivers will give you in Alberta, Canada, but it still isn't a bad place to find a bench to sit and chat!
I thought this last picture of Flo looking somewhat deep in thought (or moody & bored - I'm kidding, we were having a good ol' gossip and chat, like the lil' old ladies we are) seemed quite fitting for what I'm about to say/type. Yesterdays gander around our town made me realise that you really don't need to spend any amount of money to have a lovely day. Just stepping out and exploring what your town has to offer, and to simply have a catch-up with a friend can be just as wonderful as galavanting out of town and spending tonnes on food.
If you're worried about money and being able to have a nice time with your friends, perhaps suggest a chilled day in a park or sea-front or something. You really don't have to spend a penny to ensure you have a great day!
Sorry guys, today was a bit of a different and slightly cheesy post. I promise to up my game soon, it's just very difficult at the moment as I am trying to finish off stuff for going back to Sixth Form. However, I do have a couple of future blog posts in mind, so keep an eye out (think skin-care and a potential haul/lookbook). Anywho, despite the different post, I hope this can motivate any of you to potentially make the most of your hometown and save some money!
Hope you all have had a lovely day, let me know if this post has somehow inspired you (can't think of a better word!), or if you just enjoyed reading it? Oh god, this has to be the worst ending to a blog post ever! ... As always, thank-you so much for reading haha!
Cheerio x
Twitter: @xo_chelseey
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