New Hair!?

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Friday, August 29, 2014
After 2 years, I finally made the huge decision to chop off around 3-4 inches of my hair. Hearing the scissors cutting off the large chunks of hair made my skin crawl and I began to question myself - what the hell am I doing!? My rapunzel-like hair was gone in seconds. However, once my hairdresser got to styling and shaping my hair, I was relieved that I finally took the plunge.

It feels and looks so much healthier, and it's so good to have a change. I got her to shape my hair at the front and give me a little bit of a fringe, so that if I ever decide to wear my hair up, I can let bits of my hair fall in front of my face in a natural, care-free way.

You'd think that having my hair cut and styled differently would be a big enough of a change, but no. I went even more crazy... Some may say that I was in a bit of a 'yolo' (cringe) mood.

I purchased a Bleach London DIY Highlighting kit from Boots earlier on this week, which you might have seen from my 'Late August Haul' post. So, after having my hair-cut I thought, why the hell not just go for it! I roped my dad into dyeing my hair for me, as I really do not trust myself and he did an alright job. I mean, the roots are a bit funky at the moment, but thankfully I bought two kits, so I think I'll sort that out sometime soon. Despite that one problem though, I am now very, very blonde! It is a bit strange and hard to get used to at the minute, but I'm sure once it fades a tad (which I'm sorta hoping it does) I will love it.

For now though, this is my new hair. (I know it isn't perfect, and also, I am the least photogenic person I know, so please excuse the face! I just wanted you guys to see my new look!):

Let me know what you think! I'm still not 100% sure about it myself, but hey, it's just hair - it'll grow back, and it isn't the end of the world with the hair dye! The hairdresser can always sort it out if I'm really not keen on it. Hope you all had a wonderful day, and thank-you so much for reading!

Cheerio x

Twitter: @xo_chelseey
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